Munchie's Soap Box

Monday, April 12, 2010


I cannot believe it's been 5 whole months since I've blogged! WTH? Time has just flown by since Christmas, which was just awesome. Luke and Lilly had a blast and we created lots of good memories. After Christmas my other half and I went to Vegas for some much needed us time. We had a really great time and want to go again soon. Since then it's been pretty much nonstop with birthdays, family time and home projects.

Just recently we celebrated Luke's 1st birthday. We did a space themed birthday and had lots of fun coming up with creative ideas for the party. Though Luke only slept an hour that day he enjoyed every minute of the party and had a huge smile on his face when we sang to him.  Luke is so loved. He's our precious boy and I love spending every minute with him and Lilly.  Lilly loves being a big sister and has so much love her lil' brother.

Easter was a blast and Luke and Lilly loved doing egg hunts...which we did 3! Oh my so much candy :)....The kids did great in church considering how packed it was and it was during nap time. We enjoyed a wonderful breakfast at the in-laws and a nice lunch with lots of family at my mom's house.

Now we are enjoying the new jumper we got for the kids and having friends over to jump! The investment was well worth it as both kids like to get in there! Other than that I have just been completely focused on the house, kids, work and my honey :)......looking forward to what's to come!

Monday, December 14, 2009

This a post of mainly pictures. We've been busy with Christmas events, shopping, cooking and of course decorating which I love! It warms my heart to see my family enjoying all the wonderful things that come with Christmas; hot chocolate, carols, Christmas cookies, Santa, Baby Jesus, Christmas lights and spending time with family and friends. It is truly my favorite time of the year. Now that Lilly is older we are trying to show her that this time of year is also a time for giving, even if it's something as simple as making treats for the teachers at her preschool, a bag of canned food for a donation and helping each other out at home decorating the tree. Luke is really into the lights, Santa and us singing carols to him. When Lilly was just born the only songs I knew by heart that I could sing to her were Christmas Carols, she was just 3 months old and she loved them. Luke will be 9 months on Christmas Eve! I can't believe it. Christmas X's 2 is even better!

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Friday, November 27, 2009

Post Thanksgiving Low Down

It's been a while since I have posted. No real reason for it except that I've just been uninspired and feeling a bit bogged down ever since I got the flu and then a cold. Pretty much the whole month of November has been spent with either myself, Luke or Lilly sick and at home. Lucky for Brian that he drinks Rock Star Energy drinks and never gets sick! Hahahaha...actually that's what he credits his good health too.....naysayers say it's that he's not with the kids all day and therefore less likely to catch what they have :)

In other news, today we celebrated Thanksgiving at Pat and Jeff's beautiful home. It's was actually a really good, relaxing and fun time. You might think having both sides of the family there would make things a little hairy but in actuality we all really enjoyed the company. It's the second year in a row that both my side and Brian's get together for Thanksgiving and I have to say it's a tradition I'd like to keep. Not to mention that Jeff is a great cook and Pat is a wonderful hostess, that doesn't hurt a bit.

This year Thanksgiving really brings home feelings and thoughts about what I am really thankful for. As opposed to those in the past when those might have been fleeting thoughts, I know catch myself thinking about all the gifts in my life and being truly grateful for them. My children, my husband, family and friends. Yes, it seems obvious, but when you really think about what your life would be like without the people you love most and those that love you back not all the riches in the world could compare.

This year I'm truly thankful for the past, the present and the future. All a gift each in it's own dimension. The past for helping me become who and where I am today. The present for enjoying each breath and everything that comes with living. The future for it's endless possibilities and power to make the past and present even more precious.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I've been thinking about this topic for a few days now. Ever since a 15 year old girl was rapped by numeorus people as others watched.
I have been thinking about what we are teaching our kids to stand up and speak out when there is an injustice, crime, or immoral action is committed. Are we showing them to just mind their own business, to not make waves or call attention to themselves? Do we stand up and speak out when we see an injustice being committed? Bad things happen not only because there are bad people but because good people stand by and do nothing. The people who stood by and did nothing should also go to jail. They are just as responsible as those who committed the awful acts upon that young girl. But I'm making a concious effort to show my kids that we stand up for the values we believe in and that we defend the helpless no matter how others react.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere--Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lilly's First Preschool Field Trip

On Thursday we went on a field trip with Lilly's preschool to Green Spot Farm. We had a great time and it was nice to see the other moms, students, and teachers outside of the normal school structure. It was also good to experience Lilly's classmates and teacher from a different angle and it was nice to get to know them better. In a way it was bittersweet because a field trip is something that is so grown up and shows independence for school aged kids. The good thing is that Lilly Rose is still at the age were I can go with her and she is so happy to have me there experiencing the day with her.

Watching my little girl among the group was very special. She is fearless, headstrong, fun and inquisitive. The first to feed the horse without prompting, running into the hay maze without hesitation and loving on every animal she could get her hands on. She's special. Yes, she's my daughter and I see her through my mommy filter but there's something about seeing your child among others that really reminds you of who they are and that they are their own person. Luckily this little person calls me her best friend and I've come to realize that yes I'm her mom but she too is my little best friend.


Tempur-Pedic Update

I'm (really we) are absolutely loving our new mattress. I say we because Brian sings the mattress' praises every morning and Lilly sneaks into our bed every night! They love it and I have to say so do I. I sleep a very very deep sleep and that is my only complaint. I don't move all night and I have woken up a bit stiff since we got the new mattress but it's still awesome :). ..

Monday, October 19, 2009

On My Soap Box

I am very excited to finally start my own blog! I've been inspired by my good friend, Becky, and other mommy tonight's the night! I can't wait to share my everyday life, thoughts, inspirations, challenges and points of view with you. Hence calling the blog Munchie's Soap Box. As some of you may know Brian(my luv, aka B) has been calling me Munchie pretty much since we got together 11 1/2 years ago. When I told him I was thinking of starting a blog he was so excited and supportive, just love that man, that I decided to use that nickname.

I have to share that we made a major purchase tonight. We finally got a new mattress! Yeah!!!! And it's what B always wanted...a Tempur-Pedic. My oldest friend in the world ( I don't mean that because of her age), Crystal, got one a few months back and swears she's never slept better. And in this house sleep is much coveted. Our old mattress was a major mistake. We bought it at one of those warehouse sales and ended up being defective. Learned our lesson there. We are very excited and can't wait to have it delivered tomorrow. Will keep you posted on our sleep. Oh, and no that's not me in that picture, LOL.

Feeling inspired by this blogging adventure :)
